
Small Animal That Looks Like a Raccoon

Small Animal That Looks Like a Raccoon

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples

This world is made up of a diverseness of animals which each carry incredibly unique characteristics. There are, even so, many animal species that resemble each other and are easily dislocated. The raccoon, for example, is amidst these animal species that are often confused with their ''distant cousins.''

For more well-nigh raccoon-similar animals and the raccoon family unit tree, keep reading here at AnimalWised. In addition to general raccoon facts, nosotros'll too be discovering raccoon characteristics and more!

Raccoon family unit

Raccoons, or racoon, are native to America, but there are be some populations that live in Europe and Asia every bit an invasive species. The incredibly adaptive animals inhabit forests close to rivers and/or suburban and urban areas with abundant nutrient. Raccoons are omnivorous animals and a raccoon'due south diet generally consists of frogs, fruits, plants, insects, eggs of birds and crocodiles.

As for appearance, the raccoon measures roughly 60 cm in acme and weighs between xv to twenty kg. Its glaze is silver on most all of its body, except for its tail. The characteristic raccoon tail is unique for the black rings that circle it. A raccoon'due south face up has blackness mantle spots around each eye, giving it a 'Zoro-like' mask appearance.

Raccoon characteristics

Raccoons are solitary and nocturnal animals. Females only look for partnership during mating season. The gestation period of the raccoon species is roughly 73 days, and a female tin give nativity to upward to four cubs.

Raccoon fun fact: the raccoon family and bear family are closely related.

Despite a raccoon's tender appearance and quiet beliefs, they are not pets. For more, we recommend reading our article where we hash out raccoons as pets: guidelines and tips.

Types of raccoons

In that location are three species of raccoon and several raccoon subspecies, each recognized for their own private characteristics. The 3 main raccoon species include; the common raccoon (P.lotor), the tropical crab-eating raccoon (P.cancrivorus) and the less mutual Cozumel raccoon (P.Pygmaeus).

Keep reading to observe more than about the Procyonidae of the order Carnivora, i.e: raccoon family.

Crab-eating raccoon

The crab-eating raccoon, also known equally the South American raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), is a species native to the jungle environments of Republic of costa rica, Brazil, Argentine republic, Paraguay and Uruguay. This raccoon type measures roughly lxx cm in length and tin can weigh up to xv kg. This solitary animal is a great climber that feeds on crabs, shrimp and fish. These raccoons prefers to inhabit refuges in tree hollows, cracks in rocks and/or abandoned buildings.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Crab-eating raccoon

Common raccoon

The common raccoon, also referred to equally the spelled racoon, (Procyon lotor) can be found in in Panama, the United States and Canada. This raccoon blazon can live upwardly to 20 years in captivity and an boilerplate of 12 years in their natural habitat. One of the main threats to the common raccoon is indiscriminate hunting. In addition, due to the fact that this raccoon species deviate from their natural habitat to human being populations, they are often killed in road accidents.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Common raccoon

Guadalupe raccoon

The Guadaloupe raccoon (Procyon lotor minor) is endemic to the Lesser Antilles of the Caribbean area Sea. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), this species is in danger of extinction and currently classified information technology as "Endangered". Its chief threat is hunting and the deterioration of its habitat.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Guadalupe raccoon

Tres Marias raccoon

The Tres Marias raccoon (Procyon lotor insularis), is native to the archipelago of the Islas Marías, located in the Pacific Ocean. This raccoon subspecies is characterized by its dark-brown coat, contrasting the normal grey raccoon.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Tres Marias raccoon


Cozumel raccoon

The Cozumel raccoon (Procyon pygmaeus) is endemic to the island of Cozumel, off the Yucatan Peninsula (United mexican states). This specimen differs a chip from other raccoon species. Commencement of all, it is much smaller than other raccoon species, weighing simply iv kgs. Additionally, the Cozumel raccoon has a black ring running from each cheek to each centre, besides equally a unique gilded tail. According to the IUCN, this species is classified every bit "Critically Endangered."

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Cozumel raccoon

Animals that look like raccoons

Despite not beingness related, at that place are also some animals that greatly resemble raccoons. For more most raccoon look alike animals, go on reading below:

Due south American Coati

The coati (Nasua nasua) is an omnivorous mammal from the United States, Argentina and Paraguay. The South American coati tin can accomplish roughly 140 cm in length and its long tail is ofttimes the same length as its body. Its extremities are short, except for its elongated snout and large eyes.

These social animals, unlike the solitary raccoon, live in communities of between 5 to 20 individuals.

For more than, we recommend reading our article where nosotros discuss everything you need to know almost coatis as pets.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - South American Coati

Red Panda

The cherry-red panda (Ailurus fulgens), native to southwestern China and eastern Himalayas, measures roughly 60 cm in length and weighs a scant 5 kgs. This raccoon-like animal feeds mainly on bamboo, plants, fruits, eggs, birds and lizards. Its ruby-red-brown body is soft to the touch on and it's easily recognizable past the white spots on its face up.

Because of the loss of its habitat, disappearance of food sources, indiscriminate hunting and deforestation, this species is currently classified every bit "Vulnerable" according to the IUCN Red List.

For more than, we recommend reading our article where we list 5 fun facts about the red panda.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Red Panda


The kinkajou (Potos flavus) is a mammal native to the jungles of Primal and South America. This tropical rainforest mammal stands out for its prominent tail, which information technology uses to climb and swing on branches of trees. Its elongated and muscular body reaches 58 cm in length. Its dumbo and curt fur tin vary in color, however, chestnut and yellowish are the nigh common. Kinkajous feed on flowers, herbs, bird eggs, insects and honey.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Kinkajou


Band-tailed cat

The ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) is a mammal native to the rocky or tree-total areas of North America. This raccoon family unit fellow member generally reaches forty cm in length and only weighs 1.5 kg. Its fur color can vary from yellow-grayness to night brown, however, its tail is always ringed.

This nocturnal and solitary species feeds mainly on fruits, plants, insects, lizards and small birds.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Ring-tailed cat


The olinguito (Bassaricyon neblina) lives amidst the humid zones of Republic of colombia and Ecuador. This raccoon lookalike feeds on insects, fruits and plants and is characterized past its dark, brown and black tones. This solitary jumping species generally measures 35 cm in length and weighs 900 grams.

Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples - Olinguito

If you want to read like articles to Raccoon-like Animals - Names and Examples, we recommend you visit our Facts about the animal kingdom category.


  • Reid, F., Helgen, K. & González-Maya, J.F. 2016. Procyon cancrivorus. The IUCN Reddish List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T41685A45216426. Downloaded on 12 July 2022.
  • Timm, R., Cuarón, A.D., Reid, F., Helgen, K. & González-Maya, J.F. 2016. Procyon lotor. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: east.T41686A45216638. britain.2016-1.RLTS.T41686A45216638.en. Downloaded on 12 July 2022.
  • Emmons, L. & Helgen, Thousand. 2016. Nasua nasua. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: east.T41684A45216227. Downloaded on 12 July 2022.
  • Glatston, A., Wei, F., Than Zaw & Sherpa, A. 2015. Ailurus fulgens (errata version published in 2017). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: eastward.T714A110023718. kingdom.2015-4.RLTS.T714A45195924.en. Downloaded on 12 July 2022.
  • Helgen, Grand., Kays, R. & Schipper, J. 2016. Potos flavus. The IUCN Ruddy List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T41679A45215631. kingdom of great britain and northern ireland.2016-1.RLTS.T41679A45215631.en. Downloaded on 12 July 2022.
  • Helgen, 1000., Kays, R., Pinto, C., Schipper, J. & González-Maya, J.F. 2016. Bassaricyon neblina. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T48637280A48637420. Downloaded on 12 July 2022.

Small Animal That Looks Like a Raccoon

